Holistic Health Coaching for Wholehearted Living

Change Your Relationship to Food & Stay Healthy as You Age


Expert Guidance to Support Your Wellness Goals 

Gain Food Awareness & Finally Exit the Diet Cycle

Develop Healthful Habits that Last a Lifetime


Living a Healthy Lifestyle Doesn’t Need to Be So Hard.

There’s a whole industry telling you what you should and shouldn’t do. 

If it feels like you’ve tried everything and still don’t feel at peace with your body, you’re not alone. 

Whether you’re seeking help for stress, weight loss, career challenges, aging, sleep, or something in between, I believe an integrative health approach can help you get off the treadmill of ‘shoulds’ so you can discover an intuitive, joyful way of being.


 Customized Health Coaching as Unique as You  


When it comes to your health, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution. An integrative health approach inspires curiosity and cultivates intuition so you can make healthful lifestyle changes that last a lifetime.


Customized Coaching, Support & Accountability

No diets or rigid programs here. With over 30 years of working with women, I know that you’re 100% unique. With support and practice, you’ll learn to make healthful, sustainable, and lasting lifestyle changes.

Change Your Relationship to Food & Change Your Life

Our relationship to food offers us insight into other important aspects of our lives. Uncover where your food cravings come from, learn to recognize emotional eating patterns, and discover how to change unhelpful habits without relying on willpower. 

Discover Healthful Habits & Embrace Wholehearted Living 

Develop movement and mindfulness practices that help you move away from judgment and into a space of self-acceptance and awareness. Transform the experience of aging when you learn to practice self-compassion.

Meet Your Health Coach

Jen Robinson

From working with women for over 30 years, I know just how hard we can be on ourselves. From my education in psychology and my holistic health training at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition, I believe that when we change the way we think, eat, move, and live in the world, we feel better. 

After a lifetime of restrictive dieting, over-exercising, and looking at what I ‘can’t have, I’ve learned to focus on what I can have—to move away from shame and judgment and into a space of self-compassion and joy. And I want to help you do the same.

 Ready to start your wellness journey?

Here’s how it works.



Schedule a free health consultation.

Before our meeting, I’ll send a health and wellness history form for you to fill out. We’ll review your answers on the call & discuss how holistic health coaching can help you.


Select a coaching plan.

Together, we’ll create a customized approach to your wellness goals based on your priorities. Go at your own pace with customized meeting options.


Make real changes that last a lifetime.

Celebrate a perspective shift that comes with more energy, clarity, less stress, and greater self-awareness when you prioritize your health.

At Feel Encouraged Coaching, it’s 100% about you


“Jen has helped me address issues that had proven resistant to my own attempts to alter them. Even though I’d already reduced sugar in my diet, I was struggling with a strong craving for wine. The nightly drinking was negatively affecting my sleep, my stress levels, my weight, and possibly my blood sugar levels. Jen gave me some great suggestions for changing the habits and thought patterns associated with “happy hour” and bedtime routines. Now I’m able to relax and enjoy my post-work evening without reaching for wine. I’m also sleeping better and have more energy when I wake up. I believe anyone looking to make positive changes to feel better in mind and body can benefit from Jen’s wisdom and experiences.”

— Cindy, Freelance Editor

"I realized that I had developed an all or nothing mindset around fitness and that my only indicator was how ‘skinny’ or ‘not fat’ I was. I was tying all my happiness to this outdated model. Working with Jennifer helped me get to the root of previously held beliefs around using food as a reward. I also learned to re-experience exercise and movement and was able to unpick all the conditions I’d previously put in place that limited my thoughts around having enough time to exercise. One of Jennifer’s superpowers is helping break things down into small steps that make it all feel possible. With Jennifer’s guidance, I practiced thinking through obstacles and potential roadblocks—I discovered that I already had many solutions inside me. Having an experienced health coach look at my whole system and all the things that impact the quality of my life has been incredibly freeing and empowering. It really has been so fundamentally life-changing in all the best ways!”

— David, School Director

“I have been on some type of fad diet and/or exercise program my whole life.  My weight fluctuated along with my energy and sanity.  Negative thoughts dominated my days. Jen has helped stop this chaos.  I am calmer, I have a lot more energy, and I feel much more in control of my life than I ever have.  I’m making healthier food choices and life choices. Jen really, really listens. She gets to root of “why” the unhealthy choices are being made.  She has set me on a healthy life-style course that works for me. Having Jen as my health coach: one of the best decisons I’ve made.”

- Colleen , Pharmacist

“Jen helped me identify and address the root causes of my exhaustion. Her enthusiasm is contagious. She lives and breathes holistic health.”

— Elena, Law Professor

“Jen has the ability to deeply listen and to provide appropriate tools and feedback for each goal or stage of your health. She helped me address sensitive topics and gave gentle and practical guidance at every turn.”

— Christy, Natural Food Entrepreneur