
Health Consultation

It’s called a health consultation, but it’s really more of a health conversation. We’ll use this time to get to know each other, review your health intake, and discuss your wellness goals. You’ll learn more about how holistic health coaching works, coaching options that meet your goals, and get your questions answered. 


Are you curious about healthy lifestyle adjustments or have already developed healthy nutrition and movement habits but feel out of sync with your routines? 

The REFRESH plan is an opportunity to fine tune, reset, or jumpstart your wellness routines. Over the course of 3 months, we’ll get curious about uprooting hit or miss patterns and work toward creating new routines to support your holistic health journey. 

Here are some ways clients benefit from the REFRESH plan. 

  • Support & accountability for maintaining healthful habits through a time of transition or difficulty. 

  • Learning healthy travel or restaurant hacks to keep up with your healthy lifestyle choices 

  • Extra wellness support as you approach a health milestone and want to ensure consistency

  • Support to jumpstart a home cooking routine with cooking guidance and healthy recipe suggestions 


Do you have a specific health issue that requires change but you don’t know where to start? 

Do you want healthy routines but feel too busy to create them? 

Are you tired of dieting and want a more sustainable, realistic way to live, eat, and move? 

The NOURISH plan is your opportunity to focus on the ingredients of a holistic health plan: nutrition, hydration, movement, sleep, and mindfulness. Over the course of 6-months, we’ll work together to get curious about obstacles that have made living a healthy lifestyle challenging, identify root causes, set important wellness goals and address motivation, and work toward building and practicing habits designed to help you thrive. 

Here are some reasons, clients choose the NOURISH plan. 

  • To gain a comprehensive understanding of nutrition, wellness, & the gut/brain connection

  • To shift away from habits that contribute to chronic stress, sleep issues, and cravings and build self-awareness 

  • To overcome self-shame and judgment around body image 

  • To examine and improve your relationship to food and exercise

  • Support for home cooking, grocery shopping, and meal planning


It takes a long time to develop an unhealthy habit and it can take some time to change it. 

INTEGRATE is for those who want to overhaul their health and wellness with the support of an expert. In this plan, you give yourself the gift of one year of deep work. 

We’ll use the same holistic approach found in the REFRESH and NOURISH plans, along with the benefit of a longer runway and an extended period of time to practice and maintain the lasting change you want. This plan gives you a true picture of what a healthy lifestyle looks like and provides ongoing support during the ups and downs of an entire year.  

Here are some reasons to choose INTEGRATE:

  • Motivation to stay on the path of a healthy lifestyle

  • Help to live the way you want to live, not the way you think you are supposed to live.  

  • Reframing your mindset about a healthy lifestyle, so you feel excited about what you can have/ not feel restricted by what you can’t have

  • Help designing, practicing, and maintaining consistency with healthy routines 

  • Guided support to dive deeper into self-awareness around individual health and wellness

  • Skill-building around home cooking and co-cooking opportunities